Apples! The first little apples have arrived. I started my own batch of Apple Cider Vinegar and made Fire Cider
12:50 PMI was busy over the weekend with several little projects. Among them was that I brought home the season's first tiny apples from the (long forgotten) old apple tree at my mon's house... and then my kids brought home the season's first cold. JOY! Inevitably a house full of little kids is going to be full of bugs and this year I'm going to fight back with homemade Fire Cider! Fire Cider is a traditional remedy for colds and flu with congestion and calls for all organic (EXPENSIVE) ingredients, including Apple Cider Vinegar with "the mother" in it.
I had a pile of apples that I wanted to make sauce with, so I peeled them and used the peels and cores to start a batch of my own homemade Apple Cider Vinegar. I'm gonna need it now that I've poured most of the contents of that $8 bottle of my organic storebought stuff into my (amazing) jar of Fire Cider. HAH!