Whole Wheat Soft Pretzles. We're back to baking, and I couldn't be more excited!
10:45 AMBaking has taken a hiatus in our house ever since my husband was diagnosed with Diabetes. He is the baker, and he's really good at it but it took us a little while to figure out what a good balance was to keep his bloodsugar levels in check. Turns out that moderation works just fine for him, and so he's back to baking and consuming all those delicious carbs in moderation (usually no more than 2 "carbs" per snack/meal).
So, we needed some snack ideas and were sick of buying everything premade at the grocery store. We found a recipe for Whole Wheat Soft Pretzles and modified it to fit our needs and the type of flour we had on hand. They were really, REALLY good hot from the oven.